Getting Started with R

Where Do I Start with R?

We get this question a lot, so we thought we’d just add a page highlighting free learning resources that help you jump into R.


This is an interactive bootcamp by Ted Laderas and Jessica Minnier that teaches you the basics of the tidyverse. No R Installs required!

Ready for R

This is a short 6 part course by Ted Laderas and Aaron Coyner consisting of RStudio Cloud notebooks and Videos talking about the basics of the tidyverse and using it in your everyday work. You’ll need to signup at the mailing list to gain access to the materials.


This one is from R-Ladies Sydney by Lisa Williams, Danielle Navarro, and Jen Richmond. Very fun and accessible!

R For the Rest of Us

Another great introductory course by David Keyes that shows that R is really for you.

Going Further

Here are more intermediate resources if you need to go further.

Learn R for Free

A catalog of learning resources compiled by Mine Dogucu covering all types of tutorials and resources. In English, Turkish, and Spanish.

R for Data Science Community

Learn R with others. They frequently do book clubs reviewing R books chapter by chapter, and they have open office hours where you can ask questions. Free to join!